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NGAUS Adds Events Coordinator

Page Anderson
Page Anderson
Washington Report

An events coordinator has joined the NGAUS team. 

Page Anderson started Feb. 3 at the National Guard Museum, the association’s headquarters in Washington, D.C.

Her responsibilities include helping to plan and coordinate NGAUS events, including the association’s Board of Directors meeting, and to serve as the main point of contact for Hall of States and Montgomery Room reservations.

Anderson said the position will help her continue to grow her career.

“I feel like it's something that will help me grow, not only physically, but mentally as well,” she said.

Anderson sees the role as an opportunity to learn more about the association and contribute to its mission to help the National Guard.

“The fact that I could come here and work for people who go out every day and try to save our country, it's amazing to be a part of that,” she added.

Before joining NGAUS, Anderson worked as a program support assistant for the District of Columbia’s Department of Parks and Recreation.

She received a bachelor’s degree at Virginia State University.

Anderson resides in Washington, D.C.

— By Donald Lambert