Issue 42 | Spring 2024
Education Committee
Use key NGAUS resources to stay in contact with the 54 such as State Association Directory for TAG and State Association Information.
The Education Committee is excited to offer relevant Grassroots topics to Industry that should inform and engage you in important two-way discussions. Here are the initial topics in our lineup: SPP -- State Partnership for Peace program and its relationship to FMS (Foreign Military Sales). This will be in a Panel Forum with Subject Matter Experts (probably via Zoom) and will include a Q & A. The entire session will be recorded and posted online for later viewing and review. Other topics as we move along will be: NGREA (National Guard and Reserve Equipment Account), Guard 101 -- a good background explanation of the National Guard organization--to include how Air/Army/Joint fit together.
Please share your thoughts on additional topics of interest and the burning questions that are on your mind. The schedule for these Panel Forums will be published in the NGAUS Corporate Notes sent daily.
Communications Committee
As the Communications Committee, we are putting this Newsletter together understanding our responsibility for continuous and timely communication between the Corporate Advisory Panel and our membership. We are beginning to transition away from the newsletter format to a different model to ensure we are meeting your communication consumption needs. We are hoping to roll out this new format soon.
We would like to get your input and feedback on how you would like to get information from the CAP so please reach out directly to me at erik.andersen@gtri.gatech.edu for any recommendations.