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Degraded Visual Environment Pilotage System (DVEPS) Integration

Army National Guard

The Issue

Army National Guard helicopters, including the UH-60/HH-60 Blackhawk and CH-47 Chinook, lack the necessary sensors to operate effectively in a Degraded Visual Environment (DVE). DVE is any condition that cases reduced visibility and compromises situational awareness such as dust, snow, smoke, etc. To ensure Soldier survivability and all-mission capability, the Army National Guard must be equipped with a DVE solution that enhances aircrew fidelity under all conditions, improves survivability domestically, and provides and unparalleled advantage on the future battlefield. 


The National Guard Association of the United States (NGAUS) urges Congress to:

Appropriate $150 million to fulfill 3 requirements:

  • Resource 2x 15-Ship HH-60M MEDEVAC Companies
  • Resource 2x 30-Ship UH-60M Air Assault Battalions
  • Resource $15M of Non-Recurring Engineering for T&E of UH-60 aircraft 

Energize DVE programming by directing 2 ARNG Helicopter Battalions and 2 MEDEVAC Companies to be resources with DVE sensors. 

Point of Contact

Marcy Weldin
Deputy Legislative Director, Army Program