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Minuteman Minute | Addison Baker: Raid on Ploesti

During World War II, the Army Air Forces relied on experienced National Guard aviators like Addison Baker. Baker posthumously received the Medal of Honor for gallantry during the raid on Ploesti, Romania.

Hi, I’m Will Roulett, director of the National Guard Memorial Museum here in D.C., and this is YOUR Minuteman Minute! During World War Two, Guardsmen contributed to the air war by training and leading men entering the Army Air Forces. This picture is of Lieutenant Colonel Addison Baker, who used his experience in Ohio’s 112th Observation Squadron to command the 93rd Bomb Group during the war. On Aug. 1, 1943, Baker led the 93rd on a daring, low-level raid to attack the oil refineries at Ploesti, Romania, which supplied most of Germany’s petroleum. Despite his plane being seriously damaged, Baker refused a chance to safely land. Baker led the group to the target before his entire crew was tragically killed. For his gallantry, he posthumously received the Medal of Honor. His citation notes, “…he refused to jeopardize the mission by breaking up the lead formation and continued unswervingly to lead his group to the target upon which he dropped his bombs with devastating effect.” Come see this – and a whole lot more – at the National Guard Memorial Museum. I’m Will Roulett, and that’s been your Minuteman Minute, brought to you by the National Guard Educational Foundation.