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Pass the FY24 Defense Budget


THE ISSUE: The National Guard and the broader Department of Defense community have been working off continuing resolutions since October 2023. Without a clear budget for FY24, our Guard units are severely impacted in terms of readiness, modernization and overall quality of life.

ACTION: Immediately notify your congressional delegation and ask them to Pass the Defense Budget. With the current CR for defense spending set to expire on March 22, now is the time to urge your members of Congress to pass an adequate defense spending bill to ensure the Guard community is prepared to meet national security threats at home and abroad.

Please contact your member of Congress by filling out the form below and urge them to pass an adequate defense spending bill.


The Department of Defense, including the National Guard, has been operating without an FY2024 budget since October. Instead, Congress has passed several continuing resolutions, which essentially keep the DoD and Guard funded based on FY2023 levels. CRs prevent the Department of Defense from implementing new programs, thus harming readiness, modernization, and quality of life of the entire Guard community. This has a negative impact on the Guard’s ability to continue to operate its federal mission as the primary combat reserve of the Army and Air Force. The current CR will expire on March 22, creating the potential for a lapse in funding. This would be detrimental on the Guard as a whole.

NGAUS has sent a letter to congressional leaders urging lawmakers to pass a bill by March 22.

Press Release: NGAUS: Fiscal Defense Spending Bill Must Be Passed This Week (March 19)